What Equipment You’ll Need for River Treasure Hunting!

While most detectorists are well aware of the riches they can find while hunting along the coastlines, a lesser known place to look for treasure is along the shores of rivers and even in the rivers.

Hunting for treasure in rivers isn’t for the faint of heart though. You’ll encounter a lot of obstacles in your hunt and you’ll uncover a lot of junk. Let’s look at the equipment you’ll need to get started.

Metal Detector

A metal detector isn’t mandatory equipment for river hunting, you can do it without one. I personally always prefer to have a detector with me when I’m doing river hunts. It can help you narrow in on areas that have a lot of signals. Continue reading

Finding a Place to Metal Detect!

You are ready to unearth the greatest treasure of your life. You have your metal detector, your shovels and the whole day just for hunting. What you don’t have is a good place to do it, and without a place to dig, you won’t be able to uncover anything.

Finding a great place to dig is a problem every detectorist has to face. The lucky ones have a mentor who doesn’t mind showing them the ropes. The rest of us have to figure it out for ourselves. Here are a few ways to find new places to hunt, as well as the types of locations you’ll want to seek out.

Public Parks

Parks are a great place to hunt for metal because they attract a lot of people, and the more people who have walked that ground, the better your chances for finding something. Continue reading

Mega Scan Pro!

Metal detectorists are always on the lookout for more gear. Just because we already have one or more detectors doesn’t mean we ever stop looking for upgrades or detectors that offer different features than the ones we already have.

The Mega Scan Pro 2018 might be different and high-powered enough for you to consider adding to your bag of metal detecting tricks.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because the Mega Scan Pro 2018 by Orient Technology Group is an upgrade of an earlier machine, which as you probably guessed by now, was called the Mega Scan Pro. Continue reading

All the Great Metal Detecting Caches Haven’t Been Found!

It seems like our world gets smaller every day. Centuries ago, our world was filled with mysteries and exotic places most people had never seen and had only read about in books.

With each passing decade, our world has become more familiar to us. We can see images from anywhere in the world simply by logging onto our computers.

The air of mystery surrounding this planet has begun to vanish. We know so much more about the earth than we ever did before.

It can sometimes seem like all the great discoveries have already been made.

But in metal detecting, we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the amazing treasures and historical artifacts that have been buried and hidden by the earth. Continue reading

The Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit!

When it is time to go panning for gold and you need some gear you may want to check out the Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit. It is touted to be a dependable package of tools for the job.

Features Of The Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit!

  • This gold panning system is recommended by the gold prospectors association of America, or GPAA, due to its sturdiness and ease of use.

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Digging These 5 Metal Detecting Shovels!

You need a metal detector to give you a good target, but once you’ve found that signal, you’ll need more than your detector to retrieve it. You’ll need sturdy hand trowels, digging knives and shovels at your disposal.

You don’t want to try to get by with the rigid plastic hand trowels you see advertised for a dollar each. On the surface, this might sound like a great deal. You could buy a handful of these and keep them in your vehicle or in your metal detecting bag and you’ll always have one handy when you need one.

You should scratch that plan. I’m living proof those hand trowels won’t work for metal detecting. I used those for more time than I care to admit when I first started detecting. I could only dig three or four inches into softer soil with them. Continue reading

Easy Way Plus Review!

If you have a lot of disposable income to spare and you’re looking for a great machine to add to your metal detecting arsenal, you might want to check out the Easy Way Plus 3D Imaging System.

Manufactured by Ger Detect in Germany, the Easy Way Plus isn’t your standard, run-of-the-mill metal detector.

The 3D Ger analyzer can be used in multiple languages, including English, German, French, Russian, Turkish, and Arabic.

Its Best Features

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Exploring the Intey Level Metal Detector!

The Intey metal detector is a good option for beginning detectorists who don’t want to shell out a lot of money to get an introduction to the world of metal detecting. For a small investment, Intey gives you a decent entry-level machine that will acquaint you with the basics of metal detecting.

What It Offers

The Intey detector offers two modes for you to use – all metal and discrimination mode. As the name implies, the all metal mode will find every type of metal that passes underneath your metal detector.

It will alert you with a beep every time, whether that metal is gold, silver, an aluminum can, or a worthless nail.

If you turn on the discrimination mode, however, it can help you weed out less desirable signals that you might not want, like iron. Continue reading

Best VLF Metal Detectors!

Very low frequency metal detectors, more commonly called VLF detectors, are what the majority of detectorists use for their backyard searches and most of their metal detecting needs.

But all VLF detectors are not equal when it comes to performance abilities. Before you buy one, you might want to check out our top picks for the best VLF metal detectors. Any one of the detectors on this list won’t steer you wrong.

Garrett AT Pro

This is a popular detector because it comes with a feature not many detectors do at this price level – it can be submerged in up to 10 feet of water. It comes with manual and automatic ground balancing.

It’s also great at detecting coins, and it’s fairly easy to use. At just 3 pounds, it’s light enough that you’ll be able to go on long hunts without feeling fatigued.

One word of caution – this works much better in freshwater than it does in saltwater, but it’s a great all-around metal detector.

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Check Out The Deteknix Scuba Tector!

If you’re a fan of metal detecting underwater and you want to go deep while you’re down there, the Detenix Scuba Tector might be an option for you.

It might look like a spatula, but it’s actually a powerful tool to have in your arsenal while detecting.

This metal detector can be submerged up to 200 feet underwater.

It has a rechargeable battery, and when it’s fully charged, it provides 10 hours of continuous use. That’s longer than you can dive anyway.

So you can take your dive and still have plenty of time left for searching shallow ground when snorkeling.

Let’s look at some of its best features.

What The Deteknix Scuba Tector Does!

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