Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector

Perfect for those starting out treasure hunting as a hobby, the Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector is an above average detector that was built with many helpful features, such as the electronic pinpoint that comes with the coin depth gauge that allows you to make object searching and retrieval faster and more accurate.

For the money you can’t go wrong. You really get your money’s worth and one of the great companies in the industry supporting their product.

Physical Features Of The Ace 250 Metal Detector.

Coated in gold yellow finish, it has a 10-inch scan area, which is remarkably large enough for you to accurately and quickly detect what you want underground. Another thing that makes it user-friendly is its Touch-N-Go technology. The detector also comes with a headphone jack. The great thing about this metal detector is that it’s quite lightweight and easy to use and carry around.

Element and Metal Accuracy.

Its 12-element notch discrimination lets you specifically find a certain metal or element using graphic target ID. For example, you can filter out silver or gold only. You can even filter out jewelry and trash or unknown items.

If you are looking for an all-around metal detector that handles a variety of metal types such as gold, silver, aluminum, copper, nickel and iron then this metal detector is quite fit for the job. The coin detector also gives out a different notification sound from the rest.

Trash and unknown objects also have a different notification sound. In fact, the detector is so sensitive that you might even find metal bottle caps from it. Perhaps the only downside is that there is no volume knob so you might get annoyed with the beep sounds when you are wearing your headphones.

Battery Life.

Battery Life

The machine requires 4 AA batteries and can last from about 20 to 24 hours. Rechargeable batteries are also welcome but it might a bit of a hassle to recharge them. The battery will also last long if you turn it off and will not “drain” the battery while so, allowing you for a longer use.

Ace 250 Sensitivity and Depth.

Along with the discrimination control is the sensitivity and depth option, which works out just fine and as it should. Maximum depth is up to 8 inches.

If you plan to use this metal detector on the beach, then I suggest setting the sensitivity to low because all that sand might have some mineralization that can confuse or interfere with your treasure hunting. In fact, a lot of treasure hunters often go to the beach and find sweet loot (didn’t historical and legendary pirates used to bury their treasure chests on beaches?) using their gear. Don’t worry about the search coil getting wet because it is waterproof and great for searching near the sea.

Another good thing is that it’s so accurate that it can filter out underground cables if you wish, depending on the settings that you adjust on the machine.

Best Feature: Coin Detector.

Best Feature: Coin Detector

For me, the best feature and use of the Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector is the coin finder. Sure, it can be useful for other metals like gold and silver and for pieces of jewelry, but the best thing you will be able to find this with is an old coin or two, or maybe lots of them.

Don’t worry if you only get a bunch of bottle caps at first – playing with the settings as you go can help you adjust and soon find yourself great treasures buried underground.

Manual and DVD.

The machine comes with an instructional manual and DVD, so it’s best to check that out first to get the basics of treasure hunting and using the detector to find whatever is buried underground.

To Sum Up:

To conclude, the Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector might not be your cup of tea with gold detection, but for a hobbyist or beginner who just wants to search for coins then this is already a great starter.

Best Deal On The Garret 250 Metal Detector:

Don’t just buy the detector. Get a bundle deal and save money while getting several useful accessories like these (click image):
