Cleaning Your Metal Detecting Finds!

You’ve found something that could potentially be interesting and you’d love to get a better look at your find, but it is so dirty you can’t even see if there are any distinguishing marks on it or not. Welcome to the exciting world of metal detecting. Cleaning items can be one of the most exasperating parts of the whole hobby.

Removing the dirt from your metal detecting finds can be incredibly tedious work. If you do it incorrectly, you can seriously devalue your item without even realizing it. But it can drive you crazy to see something so interesting and potentially valuable covered in grime, especially if you are a person who feels compelled to clean everything whether it needs it or not. Here is a quick guide as to the rules of cleaning your finds.

Leave Your Coins Alone

Coins, in particular, should be handled with care. If you scrub them too vigorously, you’ll cause tiny scratches that will reduce their value, sometimes dramatically. If a coin has been cleaned, many serious coin collectors will pay far less for it or they may potentially not want to buy it at all. Continue reading

All the Great Metal Detecting Caches Haven’t Been Found!

It seems like our world gets smaller every day. Centuries ago, our world was filled with mysteries and exotic places most people had never seen and had only read about in books.

With each passing decade, our world has become more familiar to us. We can see images from anywhere in the world simply by logging onto our computers.

The air of mystery surrounding this planet has begun to vanish. We know so much more about the earth than we ever did before.

It can sometimes seem like all the great discoveries have already been made.

But in metal detecting, we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the amazing treasures and historical artifacts that have been buried and hidden by the earth. Continue reading

Whites Coinmaster!

Being a multipurpose metal detector, the Whites Coinmaster is something that you will find very useful for a lot of things – from rings to jewelry to coins and many others. But as the name says, it is most likely the best thing to use when hunting for coins.

Coinmaster Features.

When it comes to the maximum depth of detecting metals, the Whites Coinmaster can go for as much as 8 inches, which is the average if compared to a lot of similar devices. It is also quite the lightweight metal detector at only 2.5 pounds, compared to other brands.

Its weight is not too heavy but not too light. However, it only has 8 target ID segments so it might not be that precise compared to similar metal detectors. It has a 3 tone distinction that allows you to detect and distinguish different kinds of metals.

whites coinmaster

Pros and Cons Of Whites Coinmaster!

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Tips for Metal Detecting in a Park!

If you’re looking for an excellent location to use your metal detector, you should head to the nearest park. You’ll always want to check if it’s okay to dig there, but if it is, you’ll find lots of great signals while you’re there.

The key rule to metal detecting is that you want to go where the people are. Because parks are popular with every age group, they are the hotspots in their communities. And if it’s an older park, you stand a great chance of finding all kinds of things, both modern and decades old.

But when you’re hunting in a park, there’s a few things you’ll want to remember. Continue reading

Tips for Finding Coins with Your Metal Detector!

No matter what metal it’s made out of, there’s nothing more exciting than finding a coin when you’re metal detecting. Once you see that telltale circular shape, your heart starts beating fast until you can get your hands on your find and determine what kind of coin it is and when it was made.

It’s easy to get excited about coins because they can be worth a lot of money if they’re rare and they’ve managed to stay in good condition. The other exciting thing about coins is that they have the year on them, which means you don’t have to guess what time period your find comes from.

The good news is that you don’t have to have a high-end metal detector in order to find coins – even entry-level detectors will locate them. If you’ve got coin fever, you can increase your odds of finding coins by following a few simple tips.

Go to Areas Where People Congregated

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