How To Find The Perfect Metal Detector for You!

retiree metal detectingIf you are new to metal detecting, you’ll quickly find that choosing your detector can be overwhelming. There are so many choices and such a wide assortment of price tags. The list of features seems never ending and you aren’t sure at this point what some of that terminology means anyway.

You are starting to wonder if metal detecting is right for you after all – you simply wanted a fun hobby, you didn’t want anything complicated.

But before you give up your dream of strolling the beach with a metal detector in your hand as you search for long-lost treasure, you can ask yourself a few simple questions to narrow your hunt for the perfect metal detector.

How Much Are You Willing to Spend On A Metal Detector?

This is the question you should start with. After all, if you were house shopping, you wouldn’t go tour a million-dollar home if your budget was a hundred thousand dollars. So you shouldn’t look at metal detectors that are out of your price range either. Continue reading

Metal Detecting for Civil War Artifacts!

The Civil War continues to be a topic of interest more than 150 years after it began. For many detectorists, the idea of finding something from this long-ago era is thrilling.

But before you head outside hoping you’ll stumble onto a Civil War site, there are a few ways you can stack the deck in your favor.

Do Your Research

To find out where the best potential Civil War sites are, you need to put in some legwork. You need to figure out where the battles were and then determine if you’re allowed to hunt there. Continue reading

The KKmoon 98-foot Waterproof Pinpointer Review!

If you want a pinpointer that can help you search underwater while metal detecting, you may want to consider the KKmoon 98-foot pulse induction metal detector. I own it myself.

Pinpointers are an invaluable tool for detectorists. They can help us locate our targets way faster than we would be able to using just our metal detectors. Most metal detectorists never go on a hunt without them – especially if they have a limited amount of time and want to find as many targets as possible before having to leave.

waterproof pinpointerWhat This Pinpointer Can Do

While this detector will work on land, the place where it really shines is in the water. You can take this detector deep, up to 98 feet underwater, which will let you explore and dive to your heart’s content. Just make sure the opening to the battery compartment is screwed on tightly before you plunge yourself into the water.

Because you’ll likely be underwater when you use it, you should know beforehand that it doesn’t use sound to alert you that metal has been found. That means you won’t have worry about getting a set of waterproof headphones and managing to keep them on underwater. Continue reading

What Equipment You’ll Need for River Treasure Hunting!

While most detectorists are well aware of the riches they can find while hunting along the coastlines, a lesser known place to look for treasure is along the shores of rivers and even in the rivers.

Hunting for treasure in rivers isn’t for the faint of heart though. You’ll encounter a lot of obstacles in your hunt and you’ll uncover a lot of junk. Let’s look at the equipment you’ll need to get started.

Metal Detector

A metal detector isn’t mandatory equipment for river hunting, you can do it without one. I personally always prefer to have a detector with me when I’m doing river hunts. It can help you narrow in on areas that have a lot of signals. Continue reading

Mega Scan Pro!

Metal detectorists are always on the lookout for more gear. Just because we already have one or more detectors doesn’t mean we ever stop looking for upgrades or detectors that offer different features than the ones we already have.

The Mega Scan Pro 2018 might be different and high-powered enough for you to consider adding to your bag of metal detecting tricks.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because the Mega Scan Pro 2018 by Orient Technology Group is an upgrade of an earlier machine, which as you probably guessed by now, was called the Mega Scan Pro. Continue reading

All the Great Metal Detecting Caches Haven’t Been Found!

It seems like our world gets smaller every day. Centuries ago, our world was filled with mysteries and exotic places most people had never seen and had only read about in books.

With each passing decade, our world has become more familiar to us. We can see images from anywhere in the world simply by logging onto our computers.

The air of mystery surrounding this planet has begun to vanish. We know so much more about the earth than we ever did before.

It can sometimes seem like all the great discoveries have already been made.

But in metal detecting, we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the amazing treasures and historical artifacts that have been buried and hidden by the earth. Continue reading

Easy Way Plus Review!

If you have a lot of disposable income to spare and you’re looking for a great machine to add to your metal detecting arsenal, you might want to check out the Easy Way Plus 3D Imaging System.

Manufactured by Ger Detect in Germany, the Easy Way Plus isn’t your standard, run-of-the-mill metal detector.

The 3D Ger analyzer can be used in multiple languages, including English, German, French, Russian, Turkish, and Arabic.

Its Best Features

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Exploring the Intey Level Metal Detector!

The Intey metal detector is a good option for beginning detectorists who don’t want to shell out a lot of money to get an introduction to the world of metal detecting. For a small investment, Intey gives you a decent entry-level machine that will acquaint you with the basics of metal detecting.

What It Offers

The Intey detector offers two modes for you to use – all metal and discrimination mode. As the name implies, the all metal mode will find every type of metal that passes underneath your metal detector.

It will alert you with a beep every time, whether that metal is gold, silver, an aluminum can, or a worthless nail.

If you turn on the discrimination mode, however, it can help you weed out less desirable signals that you might not want, like iron. Continue reading

Check Out The Deteknix Scuba Tector!

If you’re a fan of metal detecting underwater and you want to go deep while you’re down there, the Detenix Scuba Tector might be an option for you.

It might look like a spatula, but it’s actually a powerful tool to have in your arsenal while detecting.

This metal detector can be submerged up to 200 feet underwater.

It has a rechargeable battery, and when it’s fully charged, it provides 10 hours of continuous use. That’s longer than you can dive anyway.

So you can take your dive and still have plenty of time left for searching shallow ground when snorkeling.

Let’s look at some of its best features.

What The Deteknix Scuba Tector Does!

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