Metal Detecting for Civil War Artifacts!

The Civil War continues to be a topic of interest more than 150 years after it began. For many detectorists, the idea of finding something from this long-ago era is thrilling.

But before you head outside hoping you’ll stumble onto a Civil War site, there are a few ways you can stack the deck in your favor.

Do Your Research

To find out where the best potential Civil War sites are, you need to put in some legwork. You need to figure out where the battles were and then determine if you’re allowed to hunt there. Continue reading

The Hidden Benefits of Metal Detecting!

Detectorists easily get caught up in the fun part of metal detecting – the prospect of making unbelievable monetary and historic finds.

While any of us would certainly welcome scoring a big hit, many of us walk away at the end of our hunt with a few common coins and other stuff that won’t change our tax brackets.


Even though we may not have gotten much richer for the time we spent, we’ve gained other benefits that weren’t as obvious.

The Chance to Act Like a Kid Again!

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Should You Sell Your Metal Detecting Finds?

For year, metal detectorists have been fighting the image many have of us as mercenaries out to dig up any profit we can, even if it means ransacking historical sites and destroying potentially relevant items in the process.

But I’ve met a lot of detectorists over the years and I’ve only met very few who were like that.That type of detectorist is easy to spot and I quickly walk away from them when I do run into them. I, and many other detectorists, don’t understand this type at all. The ones who place all the emphasis on earning money and less on the joy of discovery.

One of my favorite parts about metal detecting is knowing that I just helped uncover some little bit of history that had been lost.

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What Equipment You’ll Need for River Treasure Hunting!

While most detectorists are well aware of the riches they can find while hunting along the coastlines, a lesser known place to look for treasure is along the shores of rivers and even in the rivers.

Hunting for treasure in rivers isn’t for the faint of heart though. You’ll encounter a lot of obstacles in your hunt and you’ll uncover a lot of junk. Let’s look at the equipment you’ll need to get started.

Metal Detector

A metal detector isn’t mandatory equipment for river hunting, you can do it without one. I personally always prefer to have a detector with me when I’m doing river hunts. It can help you narrow in on areas that have a lot of signals. Continue reading

All the Great Metal Detecting Caches Haven’t Been Found!

It seems like our world gets smaller every day. Centuries ago, our world was filled with mysteries and exotic places most people had never seen and had only read about in books.

With each passing decade, our world has become more familiar to us. We can see images from anywhere in the world simply by logging onto our computers.

The air of mystery surrounding this planet has begun to vanish. We know so much more about the earth than we ever did before.

It can sometimes seem like all the great discoveries have already been made.

But in metal detecting, we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the amazing treasures and historical artifacts that have been buried and hidden by the earth. Continue reading

The Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit!

When it is time to go panning for gold and you need some gear you may want to check out the Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit. It is touted to be a dependable package of tools for the job.

Features Of The Gold Rush Nugget Bucket Panning Kit!

  • This gold panning system is recommended by the gold prospectors association of America, or GPAA, due to its sturdiness and ease of use.

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Easy Way Plus Review!

If you have a lot of disposable income to spare and you’re looking for a great machine to add to your metal detecting arsenal, you might want to check out the Easy Way Plus 3D Imaging System.

Manufactured by Ger Detect in Germany, the Easy Way Plus isn’t your standard, run-of-the-mill metal detector.

The 3D Ger analyzer can be used in multiple languages, including English, German, French, Russian, Turkish, and Arabic.

Its Best Features

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Whites Coinmaster!

Being a multipurpose metal detector, the Whites Coinmaster is something that you will find very useful for a lot of things – from rings to jewelry to coins and many others. But as the name says, it is most likely the best thing to use when hunting for coins.

Coinmaster Features.

When it comes to the maximum depth of detecting metals, the Whites Coinmaster can go for as much as 8 inches, which is the average if compared to a lot of similar devices. It is also quite the lightweight metal detector at only 2.5 pounds, compared to other brands.

Its weight is not too heavy but not too light. However, it only has 8 target ID segments so it might not be that precise compared to similar metal detectors. It has a 3 tone distinction that allows you to detect and distinguish different kinds of metals.

whites coinmaster

Pros and Cons Of Whites Coinmaster!

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Finding Gold In The 21st Century!

Let me help you dig up your best chances for finding gold (sorry I couldn’t resist).

It’s been more than 160 years since the Gold Rush ended in the U.S. But our fascination with gold didn’t end with that time period.

Today’s society is just as excited by the lure of gold as our ancestors were. It remains a hot commodity that people can’t get enough of.

Because so much gold has already been found in our country, you might be tempted to believe that there’s not much left. Continue reading