The KKmoon 98-foot Waterproof Pinpointer Review!

If you want a pinpointer that can help you search underwater while metal detecting, you may want to consider the KKmoon 98-foot pulse induction metal detector. I own it myself.

Pinpointers are an invaluable tool for detectorists. They can help us locate our targets way faster than we would be able to using just our metal detectors. Most metal detectorists never go on a hunt without them – especially if they have a limited amount of time and want to find as many targets as possible before having to leave.

waterproof pinpointerWhat This Pinpointer Can Do

While this detector will work on land, the place where it really shines is in the water. You can take this detector deep, up to 98 feet underwater, which will let you explore and dive to your heart’s content. Just make sure the opening to the battery compartment is screwed on tightly before you plunge yourself into the water.

Because you’ll likely be underwater when you use it, you should know beforehand that it doesn’t use sound to alert you that metal has been found. That means you won’t have worry about getting a set of waterproof headphones and managing to keep them on underwater. Continue reading

Check Out The Deteknix Scuba Tector!

If you’re a fan of metal detecting underwater and you want to go deep while you’re down there, the Detenix Scuba Tector might be an option for you.

It might look like a spatula, but it’s actually a powerful tool to have in your arsenal while detecting.

This metal detector can be submerged up to 200 feet underwater.

It has a rechargeable battery, and when it’s fully charged, it provides 10 hours of continuous use. That’s longer than you can dive anyway.

So you can take your dive and still have plenty of time left for searching shallow ground when snorkeling.

Let’s look at some of its best features.

What The Deteknix Scuba Tector Does!

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Taking Your Metal Detecting Hunt Under Water!

If you’re a detectorist who lives near a coast, you’re lucky. You have access to some of the greatest places to metal detect.

Beaches are an amazing place to find coins and rings that people have dropped, but getting into the water to hunt can offer even greater finds.

You don’t have to suit up with scuba gear to find quality targets in the water – although you certainly can if you want to. There are several affordable detectors that can be submerged up to 100 feet.

But if you’re not comfortable going too deep, you can slap on some snorkel gear and stay in shallow water. Even at that depth you have the potential to find modern-day treasures or some long-submerged shipwreck treasure. Continue reading

Using a Pinpointer to Find Treasure!

If you’re new to metal detecting and you’ve dug a few targets, one of the first things you probably noticed was how hard it can be to spot metal in a freshly-dug hole. Unless it has the gleam of gold or silver, it can be like playing the world’s most frustrating game of hide and seek.

I spent a mind-boggling number of hunts carefully sifting through the dirt in my holes for minutes on end before I’d eventually find the little piece of metal that looked just like every other clump of dirt I had encountered. It dulled my passion for detecting for a few months because I felt like I was bad at it. I wasn’t – I just wasn’t properly equipped. Continue reading

Garrett Ace 350!

The Garrett Ace 350 metal detector is a high performance treasure hunting companion that will surely help you in your search for rare metals. It is an upgrade from a previous model (the 250) and has better depth detection and coil sweeping.

The increase of the frequency from 6.5 kHz (from the 250) to 8.25 kHz with this new 350 model allows you to also detect smaller objects like nickels and tabs.

The iron discrimination features have also been improved and there is improvement with withstanding salt water. Its lightweight design and feel allows any treasure hunter to easily carry it anywhere they wish at the greatest comfort.

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Treasure Products VibraQuatic Pinpointer!

Want to go treasure hunting under the sea but don’t want the extra luggage? The Vibra-Quatic Pinpointer by Treasure Products (#2) is a recommended tool because of its waterproof design, vibration mode, light flashing and pulse induction that allows for any surface possible. It’s also well constructed.

Waterproof Design.

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Minelab Excalibur 2 Metal Detector


My Minelab Excalibur 2 with hip mount.

If you want to take a metal detecting adventure underwater, on wet sand, or shallow water, the Minelab Excalibur 2 Metal Detector can help you in your treasure hunting because of its completely waterproof system and really cool features that takes digging for gold, silver, relics, and coins to a deeper level (pun intended).

This waterproof metal detector is a top end machine, meaning it’s not cheap and it works very well for it’s intended purpose, which is metal detecting beaches and underwater.

It does have some weaknesses which I’ll discuss in a moment, but lets star here: Continue reading